Learning from the Events in our Lives

Timothy Wilken, MD
1 min readJul 24, 2020

Lessons from Childhood and the Emergency Room

Dear Human Family,

I first saw this remarkable young emergency physician, Michele Harper, MD being interviewed concerning her experience in caring for COVID-19 patients in New Jersy. This interview (~ 8 minutes) was recorded just a few days ago by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.

Dr. Harper is very intelligent and well educated. She has grown wise by choosing to learn from the many difficult events in her personal life starting in early childhood. She has carried that commitment to learning with her into the Emergency room, choosing to continue to learn from the difficult events in the lives of the patients she treats, and now has much to teach us.

She has just published a wonderful new book, The Beauty of Breaking in which she shares these lessons.

I just finished reading the book yesterday, and already have begun rereading it. I believe it has much to offer every human, but especially to those humans on the spiritual path.

Take a look, as time and interest direct you.

Be Love, Do Good, Have Everything,




Timothy Wilken, MD

Synergic Scientist, after 50 + years of practicing medicine, I spend most of my time studying synergic science and writing about improving our human future.